Kathrin Konnopka Verified email

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Профиль Kathrin Konnopka

  1. Дата регистрации: 31.01.2022
  2. Россия


Жалобы пользователя Kathrin Konnopka

Знакомства@mail.ru (комментарий)

31.01.2022 Kathrin Konnopka
Внимание скамер!

Внимание скамер! This Man is from Houston Texas and civil engineer….His name is Robert Bergmann. he has a Son, 8 years old. The son lives in an Internat. He was on a business job on cypress and we wrote over 3 month. Than he ask me for money….. but I didn’t give him anything!

Знакомства@mail.ru (комментарий)

31.01.2022 Kathrin Konnopka
Внимание скамер!

Внимание скамер! I know this man, he told me his name is Robert Bergmann from Houston Texas and is civil engineer! we write over 3 month….than he ask me for money! He was on a business job on Cypress …..